CW: Common Worship (modern form of worship)
Sunday morning services
9.30 am Morning Praise
Plaistow, 1st Sunday of the month. A relaxed, informal service, beginning with coffee. Everybody, young, old and in-between, is welcome! Activities linked to the theme of the service are provided fro children, and they are encouraged to participate in what happens wherever possible.
9.30 am Parish Communion (CW)
Kirdford, 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. Our main CW communion service with music & hymns. We have a baby/toddler area with toys where you can play quietly with your younger children.
9.30 am All Age Communion (CW)
Kirdford, 3rd Sunday of the month. A more child-friendly CW communion service with music & hymns, and activities for children linked to the theme of the service.
10.00 am Together at Ten
Wisborough Green, Kirdford or Plaistow, 5th Sunday of the month (when there is one).
The congregations of our Vicar's two parishes join together for a joint all-age communion service.
Healing/Prayer Ministry
During our 9.30 am Communion services at Kirdford church, immediately after receiving the bread & wine or a blessing, two members of our Healing Ministry Team are available for private, confidential healing/prayer ministry, for those who wish it for themselves or for another. The ministry consists of prayer, plus layng on of hands for healing for those who wish. If you do not wish to say what the need is, a set prayer will be used.
For more information about the Christian Healing Ministry, click “groups and activities” in the navigation bar above.
NOTE: The healing ministry in church is currently suspended. However, there are prayer boxes in both churches where yiou can leave written prayer requests, and if you would like our Healing/Prayer Ministry Team to pray for any need, you can contact our Lay Minister, Janice Taylor (click "Contact" above).
Sunday 1st December
9.30 am - Morning Praise with Christingle, Plaistow
Sunday 8th December
9.30 am - Parish Communion, Kirdford
Sunday 15th December
9.30 am - All Age Communion, Kirdford
Sunday 22nd December
9.30 am - Parish Communion, Kirdford
4.00 pm - Service of Lessons & Carols, Plaistow
Tuesday 24th December (CHRISTMAS EVE)
4.00 pm - Crib Service, Kirdford
11.00 pm - Midnight Mass, Kirdford
Wednesday 25th December (CHRISTMAS DAY)
10.00 am - Christmas Praise, Plaistow
Sunday 29th December
10.00 am - Together at Ten, Wisborough Green
Sunday 5th January
9.30 am - Morning Praise, Plaistow
Sunday 12th January
9.30 am - Parish Communion, Kirdford
Sunday 19th January
9.30 am - All Age Communion, Kirdford
Sunday 26th January
9.30 am - Parish Communion, Kirdford
Each Saturday morning at Holy Trinity Church in Plaistow we gather for half an hour of prayer, beginning at 8.30 am and finishing as the clock strikes nine o'clock. Everybody is welcome - whether you have something specific to pray for or not. You can voice your prayer openly or keep it private or simply affirm the prayers of others. It's not a service as such - there are no processions, rituals, hymns or music. We just sit around the big table and pray.
If you would like a prayer said for you or someone else, but won't be attending, leave a note in the boxes by the fonts in each of our church buildings.
This month's services